What We’re About
Meditation involves simply seeing the place deep inside of us that helps us notice or become aware of that which is beyond our current belief system. It asks that we be something bigger than the selves we currently think we are — for ourselves and for each other. At Withineachofus, we believe in “doing our part” by spreading this message of hope, self-awareness, a belief in ourselves and each other.
Having previously gone through several struggles early in life only to push through to become that which most may consider succesful, our founder ultimately turned to Zen meditation, once he began to feel a high level of stress. He found that spending time alone gave him a true presence of self that he had not experienced before. He now has more than 19 years’ experience in numerous disciplines of Japanese, Tibetan, Vietnamese, and Taiwanese Buddhist meditative practices, and he is dedicated to helping others through this service.
Since 2001, we have spoken with and coached many individuals to a more holistic, balanced and peaceful way of life.
Our Mission
Quite simply, to have everyone feel welcome. To be a safe place. To give back, and to help heal the world through coaching, mentorship and life nurturing resources and most importantly love.
“The resources behind W.E.O.U have almost 2 decades of experience in holistic healing, Buddhist and meditative studies and practices.”
Just Here to Help
• Life changing practices and resources are made available here for your convenience. This site is a living portal so please keep coming back to check in on us.
• We have a lot to offer. Please feel free to inquire about any of our services. General questions are also welcome. We are here to help.
Our Charities
We give a percentage of what this site earns, and participate in fund raising events, on a rotating basis, for our favorite charities. Some are listed below.
Perhaps one of these will inspire you to give in some way, somewhere. Let us know if you have any suggestions for some possible additional charities. If everyone offered even a minute amount, or gave a fraction of their efforts or resources, even once a year, it would be enough to feed, clothe and care for the entire world. It doesn’t take much. When we all give a little, when we act together we have the most power. We are indomitable. Please see below. Feel free to click on a preference to donate.
Thank you in advance for your kindness, and your open heart.
“In order to keep it we have to give it away”
- Children International
- St. Judes
- Wildlife Conservation Society
Hi, and welcome.
As the creator of the site I thought it was important that I share the importance of doing my part. Here is where I simply post additional activities that I’m doing to challenge myself, to test my limits and sometimes drag a few friends along as well. It is most often something that will require me to dig into that place deep inside to help me stretch beyond my current belief system, to that inner place, that is bigger than, or beyond my perceived limitations, if you will. These journeys are also, always, arranged to benefit a charity or someone else in need. I am now at a point where I could not do these acts or deeds if they were for me alone. To have the full desire, I need to take others with me. Those who support and come with me and those who need our collective support. The call, to me, asks that we be something bigger than the selves we currently think we are- for ourselves and for each other. We are all here to support each other, as much as possible. In that we have the obligation and the opportunity to see ourselves as big as we are, rather than as small and or possibly as insignificant as we may think we are. I read a spiritual text once that mentioned, ‘if we even had an idea of who we really were we could never fear anything’. Fear often prevents those, who are more than capable, from realizing that they have a voice, that they have a right to make an attempt toward their dream, or even to have the peace of mind to simply know that they are worthy of what they are seeking.
We are here to experience our courageousnss and have peace of mind within each step of each of our journeys- to create, to give, to nourish in whatever way possible, to uplift, and be uplifted in the process.
Please see below for my latest activity update(s). “As we are liberated from our own fears, our presence automatically liberates others.” Marianne Williamson
Upcoming Challenge/Charity Event
Coming soon: The Hartford Marathon, October 2019. The cause: To raise money and awareness for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society. In the meantime, I’m also re-testing out a theory. Perhaps you’ll be willing to try this out as well. Please try the link below to see a lecture on what I’m talking about. Thank you and please come again: